Friday, 24 December 2010

Christmas !


Merry Christmas !

Peace on earth for the men of good willingness.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

From U.N.E.C. web site.

RU 48/2010 - CHINA, ISLAM, Mrs AUBRY

CHINA (ru, Dec 7th, 2010). The Church in China? This is not easy to describe, as the situation is at the same time hot and cold, both on the side of the Chinese as on the side of the Vatican. Let’s say it bluntly: even if Benedict XVI sees only “one single Catholic Church", there are on one side the official Patriotic Church which is strongly backed by the Communist regime, and on the other side the underground Church which is faithful to Rome. There are no official figures, but well informed sources say that there are approximately 60 bishops and 6 million of faithful on each side, which means totally some 120 bishops and 12 million Chinese Catholics. This is not nothing, even if they represent only 1 percent of the population of China. Here is what one can read in the Chinese Directory Statistics, edited by the Governmental Office of Statistics in Beijing (it’s apparently impossible to find any more recent edition than for the year 1997, published in the China Daily ), but these figures are probably strongly falsified, especially by the fact that the regime does not recognize the underground Catholics:
- Buddhists : 13,000 temples, 200,000 religious of whom 12,000 lamas (men and women) ;
- Taoists : 1500 temples, 25,000 priests and religious ;
- Islamists: 30,000 mosques, 18 million of practitioners, 40,000 Imams ;
- Protestants : 12,000 temples, 25,000 meeting places, 10 million practitioners, 18,000 pastors ;
- Catholics: 4,600 churches and meeting places, 4 million practitioners, 4,000 priests;
- taking all religions together, there are 74 educational institutions of the clergy.
The Communist regime, right from its arrival in 1949, had driven out of the country the then operating 5000 Roman Catholic missionaries, but the Church continued to live. In 1957 the regime imposed to the Catholics (as to other religions ) to join together in the form of a single association which would be the vis-à-vis, or rather the order taking organization, of the Communist Government. This was the birth of the "Catholic Patriotic Association of China”, which was excommunicated by the Vatican. But many true Catholics, and even complete dioceses, preferred to disappear: this was the birth of the underground Church of China, totally faithful to Rome. Therefore, for 53 years, these two ‘Catholic’ Churches’ are operating simultaneously on the vast Chinese territory, and each us continuing to excommunicate the other one. The campaign of Hundred Flowers , launched by Mao before 1966, seemed to usher in an era which might bring more freedom for the Catholics, but the Cultural Revolution of 1966 marked the start of a black period: destruction of churches, deportation of many priests and faithful to the Laogais (labour camps, in other words: concentration camps). Finally, in 1978, the Government announced a relative freedom of worship, recognizing 5 religions, which are those mentioned in the governmental directory mentioned above, but of course, in order to be able to exist and to operate, they had to fit to the pattern of "patriotic associations," in reality slaves of the regime. In 1999 a new violent persecution period started with the destruction of the Falun Gong sect, allowing to put under pressure all those who did not want to assemble in the slave-associations of the regime, including half of the Catholics, i.e. the underground Church. This was the action "Strike hard" of 2001. The Vatican, which has no nunciature in mainland China, but only on Taiwan, tried to manoeuvre in this Chinese universe which is constantly in movement, without any tangible results. The decisive point is always the consecration of the new bishops, with or without the agreement of the Vatican. The ‘wild’ consecrations, supported by the regime but not by the Vatican, had practically ceased since the year 2000, with one exception in 2006, but on November 20th, 2010, a new ordination, against the clearly expressed opinion of the Pope, took place in the bishopric of Chengde, Hebei province, in the presence of 8 Catholic bishops, of whom several - if not all – had been ordered with the agreement of the pope. This has put an end, for the time being, to the already well advanced negociations between the Vatican and the regime concerning the opening of an Apostolic nunciature in Beijing. By the way, the bishops who comply with the regime are under constant supervision, often in controlled residence and kidnapped by the police. That’s were we are now. The only bishop who can speak out clearly, is the former archbishop of Hong Kong, retreated in Rome, cardinal Zen. He is talking particularly on behalf of the underground Church, specifying: "What other crime the consecrators who order illicit bishops would not be ready to commit ‘for the good of Church’?" This declaration reveals what are widely thinking the underground Catholics faithful in Rome. One must say that our Catholic brothers and sisters in the underground Church of China have more courage than we have, to designate the true and the false Catholics, the eternal compromisers and the martyrs, the standing faithful and the lying faithful. Did not Saint John in the New Testament, yet known as the apostle of charity, practice a very similar harsh language? The Gospel of Christ is never easy to set to work.

ISLAM (ru; December 7th, 2010). At the recent Synod of Bishops of the Middle East in Rome, there was at least one prelate who dared to tell the whole truth about Islam and in particular its basic book, the Koran. It’s Mgr Antoine Beylouni, Lebanese archbishop of Antioch. His intervention has not been reported in extenso in the Osservatore Romano, which is the unofficial spokesman of the Vatican, including the following paragraph about the Koran. Because of its relevance, this article weighs gold for its clarity and precision (UNEC’s translation): "The Koran instils to the Muslim the pride to have the only true and complete religion… This is the reason why the Moslems come to dialog with the feeling of superiority and with the insurance of being victorious… In the Koran, there is no equality between man and woman, neither in the marriage itself…; nor in the field of legacy where men have double rights; neither in the testimony before the judges where the statement of a man equals the statement of two women, etc. The Koran allows to the Muslim, in front of the Christians, to hide the truth and to speak and act contrary to what he really thinks and believes. In the Koran, there are contradictory verses, and verses which are cancelled by other verses, which gives the Muslim the possibility to use either one or the other according to his advantage… The Koran gives the Muslim the right to judge the Christians and to kill them by Islamic Jihad. It orders to impose Islam by force, by the sword… This is why the Muslims do not recognize the religious freedom, neither for themselves nor for the others. » (Valeurs Actuelles Nov 11) - In 2002, Mgr Georges El-Murr, assistant patriarch of the (Catholic) Melkhites for Jordan and Iraq, explained to us approximately the following: "The heart of the Muslims is bewitched by Mohammed, which fact makes their conversion practically impossible. A Muslim man will lose everything if he becomes a Christian: he must renounce to his male pride and his family despotism, and must become humble and crucified with Christ. This is humanly impossible. » He added that he has experienced, during his long life of 73 years, only one real conversion of a Muslim to Christ. There were many others, but according Mgr El-Murr, those were interested conversions, e.g. in order to obtain a scholarship at a Jesuit University in the U.S. , or to marry a rich Christian girl, etc. - All the more praiseworthy are the efforts of evangelization that some missionaries and Catholic groups of laymen are implementing to bring these souls, created by God and for God as we are ourselves, close to the only Saviour Jesus Christ, as this is currently done in Vienna/Austria (already 200 adult conversions), and very recently in Paris (group BNM, formed by UNEC and AMEN, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien, ).

MADAM AUBRY (ru; December 7th, 2010). Mrs. Martine Aubry will probably run for the presidential elections in France in 2012, but her arrival to the Elysee Palace could mean the end of Christian France, and the beginning of Islamist France. Here are the facts. Born in 1950 as a daughter of the ‘very catholic’ socialist Europeanist politician Jacques Delors, she was first married to a certain Mr. Aubry of whom she has kept only the name until today. Because in 2004 she divorced, and married, in the same year, a man of Lille called Jean-Louis Brochen, Salafist and lawyer of the Moslem. The latter had defended in 1993 the 17 student girls who were veiled and by this fact had been excluded from the College Faidherbe. In 2001, at the famous trial of Douai, he defended one of the three members of the ‘gang of Roubaix’. He also defended the awful Rap group ‘Sniper’, who are openly anti-white racists. He’s nicknamed "The lawyer of the Islamists". Thus, one can better understand that, since Mrs. Aubry is the mayor of Lille, the number of Muslim employees at the City Council House has increased, there is a swimming pool reserved for Muslims, there are ‘halal’ meals in schools, there are Muslim banks, Islamic schools, as well as separate cinemas, restaurants and theatres for each sex… In the early 1990ies, Mrs. Martine Aubry participated in a socialist-communist squad which attacked a peaceful symposium of Renaissance Catholic at Lille, entering violently into the meeting room, reversing exposition tables and lifting the hand against the attendees, until the police arrived in order to protect the Catholics against this anti-Christian outpouring. Let’s say to all Socialists tempted to vote for this lady: "Do you want this to France: still less Christians, and always more Islamists ? »
-  O.A.M.D.G.  -

From U.N.E.C. web site

RU 47/2010 - Persecution of Christians, Condoms, 3 announcements

PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS (ru, Dec. 1st, 2010). We publish hereafter a remarkable article from the Bulletin André Noël of Nov. 22, 2010. One cannot better sum up what is happening today to the Christians in the whole world. Title: ‘Never the Christians have been persecuted as much’. Quotation:
“In the beginning of the 20th century, as in the first centuries of our era, the most persecuted religion, or even the only one, was Christianity. The Church has more martyrs in our time than she had in the beginning during the Roman empire. John-Paul II elevated on the altars more martyrs than his predecessors of the preceding centuries. The martyrs of the 20th century were the fruit of the hatred of the Christian faith, primarily by the Communists : in Spain (during the civil war), in the USSR, China, Vietnam, etc. The cruel novelty, in our century, is that, if the Christians are still persecuted by the Communist regimes in China, Cuba or in North Korea, the most important persecutions are now practiced by the Muslim countries. Almost each day, from Iraq, Pakistan and Egypt, as well as from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Maldives and Yemen, we receive atrocious news. In those States, it is prohibited to a Muslim to leave Islam. Those who do it, expose themselves to rejection by their families and are subject to general ostracism. They may also go to prison and even to death if they don’t revert to Islam. In Iraq the Christian quarters are emptied of their inhabitants, the faithful are massacred by tens and churches are burned. In Iran the year 2009 has been one of the worst which the Christians have known since the Islamic revolution of 1979. The regime has intensified its policy of destruction of churches by imprisoning tens of believers. Afghanistan has become the fourth country where Christians are the most persecuted in the world. In Eritrea, the number of faithful Christians imprisoned because of their faith passed from 2000 to almost 3000 in the year 2009. They are kept prisoners in abominable conditions, for having held a Bible or participated in a Christian worship. In early August 2008, the leaders of the military camp of Sawa seized and burned 1500 Bibles belonging to new converted. Eight young men have protested. They found themselves locked up in metal containers. We could multiply the examples, but all this Bulletin would not be sufficient ! The Pope protests and with him number of Catholics and Protestants, but the governments aren’t taking resolute steps! For fear of the reaction of Muslims in our countries? France has hosted and treated the Christian survivors of the massacres in Iraq. This is a good thing, provided that this temporary shelter does not become definitive, which would allow the ethnic and religious cleansing aimed at by the Muslims, and would dispense the western governments from imposing religious freedom on Muslim territories. And during that time, in France, the Muslims are crying in public because of ‘ persecution’, because the Government prohibits the burqa while giving them everything else! » End of quotation.

CONDOMS (ru, Dec 1st, 2010). Following the last issue of our RU bulletin, a Catholic professor of medicine thought it wise to point out that the condom is not "intrinsically immoral » (Pius XII), because children who would play by chance with condoms (by lack of balloons), would not commit a sin. We should have thought it! One sees here which kind of evil constructions the unfortunate recent statements from the Vatican concerning the condom can provoke, statements which spread more fog and smoke than light and salt of the Gospel. "Instead of bread they give stones to eat to their children''. Let us briefly resume, in order to conclude this dark debate: -
- It is unfortunate that a pope enters into such horrible details ("condom", "prostitute man"). A priest of the Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet church in Paris preached much more decently about "those illicit objects in marriage".
- Indeed, it’s precisely this trivialization of unspeakable things, in particular by speaking openly about them, which causes the moral devaluation in the spirit of the people. The only place to speak about those things is the confessional, that’s why we shall not talk here about them any more.
- The Church may solemnly invite to prayer vigils against abortion, while playing herself the incendiary fireman; because was it not the Church herself which, by the ‘religious freedom’ utopia concocted by the Vatican Council II, provoked and forced the fatal separation between Church and State, which brings about today that one State after the other of the former Catholic States (Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Latin America, not to mention France) introduces inexorably divorce, the right to abortion and tens of other abominations? Crocodile tears are worth nothing in the Kingdom of God, the only thing which applies is PENITENCE, in the sense of reneging one’s faults and abandoning one’s scandalous attitude. If the Church wants to save human life, she must abandon the smoke of ‘religious freedom’ and reintroduce the necessary supremacy of the Church over the States, and millions of lives will be saved. Pray for our Church, ‘it takes water from everywhere’ (Benedict XVI)!

THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS (ru, Dec 1st, 2010):
1) on Thursday, December 9th, at 7.30 PM, dinner-debate with Dr. Jean-Pierre Dickès ("And now: the artificial man? ") In the restaurant Le Grenadier, Railway station Gare d Austerlitz, Paris. Reservations (27 Euro) : Radio-Silence, 5 rue Dufrenoy, F-75116 Paris.

2) On Friday, December 31st, at 8 PM: festive dinner of St Sylvestre between friends from UNEC and SOS Mothers (with children who were rescued by us from l abortion) at the restaurant LE PALAIS, 16 rue Monge, Paris 5th (50 Euro/person). Reservation : UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, T/F +33-(0)134120268, .

3) On Monday January 3rd, 2011, at 11 AM: New Year press conference AMEN (Stop the Massacre of the Unborn), at the hotel Claude Bernard, 43 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5. A cup of Champagne between friends to start with joy and energy this new year of battle for life, which is also a political struggle. Reservation: AMEN (c/o secretariat UNEC as mentioned above), .

- O.A.M.D.G. -

Monday, 9 August 2010

A Re-Composed pattern of ancient Geography. up to date 4th of september 2010

A Re-Composed pattern of ancient Geography.
How to understand the old writings?  
Today's Europe is not the same as it was yesterday.  
It seems obvious.  
In more or less of three thousand years the geography of our part of the world changed a lot. For example, three thousand years ago, there was no Africa *.  
There was something but not the "African" continent as we use to know it, nowadays.
Why ?
Because one could travel from the Danube to Egypt traveling by that will be Italy, sicily and Lybia, by feet or horse.  

The Mediterranean basins, that form the Mediterranean Sea are the spots of great geologic confrontation. There are  here a lot of sub plates that are in contact and are pushed by other spinning big plates. That brings some change to our idea of the area as a stable geographic region. 
Do you know that touring ships can hardly travel between Sardain and Corsca, because the floor of the sea is moving upward ?  
Do you know that an harbor built on the western coast of Cretan Island at the time of Rome being the leading civilization, is today set at 200 meter above the sea level, inside the dry lands and above the sea.
The differents basins of Mediterrannea are subject to sismicity,  the most powerful and inceasant activity.  It may be hard to beleive but our Mediterranean Sea is not the real Thalassa of Greeks old antiquity. Just because, of this inceasant geologic activity.

When it comes to such historic works as Hérodote of Halicarnasse or such tale as the Odysseus * *, it is obvious that their world and our are appreciably different.  How can a Greek sailors of old time be lost in his travel to go back from Asia to Itaqa ?

Greek sailors in the eastern basin of Mediterranean sea have plenty of harbors nearby, just because there are plenty of islands around them. No Greek sailors can be lost in Ionian sea. Can you feel lost in your bathroom ?

Can anyone believe that the Thalassa of the Greeks is the present méditerrannean sea? 
How can someone understand the exodus and the conquests if one eludes the reality.

The truth of the old time was the real geography of the old time, not our geography. 
To study Hérodote, Socrates, Plato and the other eldersand ignore what was their truth, it   is not judicious, not scientific.   
Therefore, it is absurd.  
Let's come back to Hérodote, he was an heir of the old Greek civilization (but not the most ancient greek's traditions). Hérodote was especially heir of a "passè" that he knew badly, this is why he made his investigation. Hérodote (484 or 482 B.C.)

It was narly a thousand years after the cataclysm of Santorin-Théra, it is also several thousands of years (9 000 years, or even more according to PLATO) since the disappearance of the Atlantide (history known of the  Egyptians priests, cf the writings of Hérodote). 
In the laps time of nine thousand years a lot of things change and especially geography.  

It is this report that brought me here, to make a new pattern of the geography before the time of great cataclysmic (before santorin). All the studies of ancient writing are based on recent maps. Doing so the specialist of antique history do just forget the continental drift and the disasters, some of which we have difficulty to imagine the magnitude.  
This article (short one) is not a theory, but one hypothesis, founded on facts, ignoring the facts doesn't anhihilate the hypothesis..  


Very approximate card of the Ancient World, before the drainage of the Thalassa (cf dead sea, is a sequel of of the crash of that is called Palestine into what is called Liban). 

Work  rebuilds from the following references; upsurge of arabian sub plate 1000 to 1500 meters from below the sea to form a dry land, localization of the oil layers, of the layers of  salt NaCl, of the deserts,  ancient toponymy, old idioms, etc... 
At those times, our pyrennès doesn't yet exist, and Sicily is neither an island,  nor cyprus.  

* A  - Frica,  privative  Alpha, "frique" = "seasons" in Greek, therefore : that doesn't know the seasons.  
* * Odysseus", I am cursed" or more literary; "my curse !"  
Addendum, Thursday August 5, 2010  

Geology :  
Continental drift cf Mr Alfred WEGENER astronomer and German meteorologist, mainly known for his theory of the continental drift published in 1915.  
 - An interior sea, the Thalassa as named by the ancient Greeks, will dispear and a new "sub continent"; Arabia , wil rise. The sub continent Arabia, will surge from the bottom of the Sea. Arabis = Sands. 

The remaining of the Thalassa; our oriental basin of Mediterranean sea, the Dead Sea and part of Red Sea near Sinaï, Eastwards. 
That will become western Europe; Spain, United Kingdom, Irland, France is no more than an Archipelago on western ocean. Far from the reach of the Greeks sailors.
- the Phoenicians sailors can navigate, by coastal navigation from Phoenicia, present "Lebanon" to India, passing by the strait of ormuz, no need to travel around the future africa, just because the strait of tunis and the other one the strait of gibraltar do not yest exist.    
- A solution of continuity exists between  the Europeans Pyramids ( in Bosnia), to those in China (included sometimes inside the buiding known as "China Walls") and to those pyramids of Saqqara...
cf to this topic an excellent book (recent) on the Egyptology, in German, important documents on saqhara,  unfortunately I have neither the ISBN nor the author's name more.  
History of the Languages:  
- the  Indo European languages and subsequent local languages can travel from India to inside Egypt. Just because one could travel from the east more land of Asia or India to Egypt by feet. Once again a solution of continuity exist.

Disappearance of the "supernatural idioms".
- Disappearance of the myth of the modern man who come from Africa, isolated cradle of the superior "homo sapiens sapiens sapiens". The théory " Out of Africa " is no more than a bad theory ignoring the geography and geology of African east rifts. The scarce bones named LUCY where found on a rift by a river on East Africa. A Rift is an area where two plate are in contact. It is not a real, solid continent, it is on the fringes, it can not set a an evidence of moden man, "Out Of Africa".


the 2nd, 5th, of August 2010,

I tried to do my best while tranlating but there will be some bad translations left, do tell me.
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Corrected 24th of JANUARY 2012

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