A Re-Composed pattern of ancient Geography.
How to understand the old writings?
How to understand the old writings?
Today's Europe is not the same as it was yesterday.
It seems obvious.
In more or less of three thousand years the geography of our part of the world changed a lot. For example, three thousand years ago, there was no Africa *.
There was something but not the "African" continent as we use to know it, nowadays.
Why ?
Because one could travel from the Danube to Egypt traveling by that will be Italy, sicily and Lybia, by feet or horse.
The Mediterranean basins, that form the Mediterranean Sea are the spots of great geologic confrontation. There are here a lot of sub plates that are in contact and are pushed by other spinning big plates. That brings some change to our idea of the area as a stable geographic region.
Do you know that touring ships can hardly travel between Sardain and Corsca, because the floor of the sea is moving upward ?
Do you know that an harbor built on the western coast of Cretan Island at the time of Rome being the leading civilization, is today set at 200 meter above the sea level, inside the dry lands and above the sea.
The differents basins of Mediterrannea are subject to sismicity, the most powerful and inceasant activity. It may be hard to beleive but our Mediterranean Sea is not the real Thalassa of Greeks old antiquity. Just because, of this inceasant geologic activity.
When it comes to such historic works as Hérodote of Halicarnasse or such tale as the Odysseus * *, it is obvious that their world and our are appreciably different. How can a Greek sailors of old time be lost in his travel to go back from Asia to Itaqa ?
Greek sailors in the eastern basin of Mediterranean sea have plenty of harbors nearby, just because there are plenty of islands around them. No Greek sailors can be lost in Ionian sea. Can you feel lost in your bathroom ?
Can anyone believe that the Thalassa of the Greeks is the present méditerrannean sea?
How can someone understand the exodus and the conquests if one eludes the reality.
The truth of the old time was the real geography of the old time, not our geography.
To study Hérodote, Socrates, Plato and the other eldersand ignore what was their truth, it is not judicious, not scientific.
Therefore, it is absurd.
Let's come back to Hérodote, he was an heir of the old Greek civilization (but not the most ancient greek's traditions). Hérodote was especially heir of a "passè" that he knew badly, this is why he made his investigation. Hérodote (484 or 482 B.C.)
It was narly a thousand years after the cataclysm of Santorin-Théra, it is also several thousands of years (9 000 years, or even more according to PLATO) since the disappearance of the Atlantide (history known of the Egyptians priests, cf the writings of Hérodote).
In the laps time of nine thousand years a lot of things change and especially geography.
It is this report that brought me here, to make a new pattern of the geography before the time of great cataclysmic (before santorin). All the studies of ancient writing are based on recent maps. Doing so the specialist of antique history do just forget the continental drift and the disasters, some of which we have difficulty to imagine the magnitude.
This article (short one) is not a theory, but one hypothesis, founded on facts, ignoring the facts doesn't anhihilate the hypothesis..
Very approximate card of the Ancient World, before the drainage of the Thalassa (cf dead sea, is a sequel of of the crash of that is called Palestine into what is called Liban).
Work rebuilds from the following references; upsurge of arabian sub plate 1000 to 1500 meters from below the sea to form a dry land, localization of the oil layers, of the layers of salt NaCl, of the deserts, ancient toponymy, old idioms, etc...
At those times, our pyrennès doesn't yet exist, and Sicily is neither an island, nor cyprus.
* A - Frica, privative Alpha, "frique" = "seasons" in Greek, therefore : that doesn't know the seasons.
* * Odysseus", I am cursed" or more literary; "my curse !"
Addendum, Thursday August 5, 2010
Geology :
Continental drift cf Mr Alfred WEGENER astronomer and German meteorologist, mainly known for his theory of the continental drift published in 1915.
- An interior sea, the Thalassa as named by the ancient Greeks, will dispear and a new "sub continent"; Arabia , wil rise. The sub continent Arabia, will surge from the bottom of the Sea. Arabis = Sands.
The remaining of the Thalassa; our oriental basin of Mediterranean sea, the Dead Sea and part of Red Sea near Sinaï, Eastwards.
That will become western Europe; Spain, United Kingdom, Irland, France is no more than an Archipelago on western ocean. Far from the reach of the Greeks sailors.
- the Phoenicians sailors can navigate, by coastal navigation from Phoenicia, present "Lebanon" to India, passing by the strait of ormuz, no need to travel around the future africa, just because the strait of tunis and the other one the strait of gibraltar do not yest exist.
- A solution of continuity exists between the Europeans Pyramids ( in Bosnia), to those in China (included sometimes inside the buiding known as "China Walls") and to those pyramids of Saqqara...
cf to this topic an excellent book (recent) on the Egyptology, in German, important documents on saqhara, unfortunately I have neither the ISBN nor the author's name more.
History of the Languages:
- the Indo European languages and subsequent local languages can travel from India to inside Egypt. Just because one could travel from the east more land of Asia or India to Egypt by feet. Once again a solution of continuity exist.
Disappearance of the "supernatural idioms".
- Disappearance of the myth of the modern man who come from Africa, isolated cradle of the superior "homo sapiens sapiens sapiens". The théory " Out of Africa " is no more than a bad theory ignoring the geography and geology of African east rifts. The scarce bones named LUCY where found on a rift by a river on East Africa. A Rift is an area where two plate are in contact. It is not a real, solid continent, it is on the fringes, it can not set a an evidence of moden man, "Out Of Africa".
the 2nd, 5th, of August 2010,
I tried to do my best while tranlating but there will be some bad translations left, do tell me.
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Corrected 24th of JANUARY 2012